leather care Products Manufacturer

U.S. Continental is the industry’s leading leather care products manufacturer. From R&D to production, we set the standard for leather care. Contact us.

our Trusted Leather Care Products Manufacturer

Care is important to the consumer experience with any leather product. It allows people's favorite items to remain at the front of the closet instead of the back. At U.S. Continental, we help you enhance your brand’s care experience by offering design, development, sourcing, manufacturing, and

distribution solutions for unique care products that your customers will want to invest in. As the top leather care products manufacturer, we know exactly what your customers need to care for their favorite accessories.

Premium Care Products

We’ve worked with some of the biggest names in fashion and footwear and our in-depth experiences have taught us that consumers are willing to invest more when it comes to caring for high-quality products.

Every care product is designed and formulated to your brand’s specifications. Our mission is to provide the very best care products for your consumer by seeing clearly through your brand lens and being a seamless partner to your business.

We work closely with each client to ensure that their brand’s vision is reflected. We collaborate and curate care products that are developed using the highest quality materials and displayed with the best packaging. With our care products positioned accordingly, you’ll be able to drive more accessory sales for your brand.

Partner With Us

At U.S. Continental, we have a network of the best suppliers to ensure that your care products exceed your expectations from R&D to consumer experience. As an established leather care products manufacturer, we bring you an unmatched and unique capability to produce and deliver on-demand lifestyle care products of the highest value at competitive prices.

If you’re seeking care product design, packaging solutions, or expert training, please contact us today.

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